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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Beauty and Benefits of Cherry Blossoms

We often hear the word sakura. The name of flower that come from Japan. And in english that flower called as cherry blossom. Isn't it...??  Or maybe among of you often see that flower through photo or video. Or even there's among of you ever saw it directly. hhmm it's certaintly very pleasant.
Besides chrysanthemums flowers (bunga seruni in indonesian), sakura is the national flower for Japanese citizens. These cherry blossoms only blooming in spring. The blooming of Cherry blossoms  in every region in Japan isn't always coincide. It's usually starting from Okinawa in February, resumed on the island of Honshu to the west, up in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Miyagi at around late March to early April, then move little by little to the north,and ends at Hokkaidodi during Golden Week.
The color of cerrry blossoms also varies depending on the species. there are white with a little pinkyellow, pink, light green or red lightThis flower has five petals that are very small, it make us difficult to enjoy the beauty individually. So that the beauty of it lies in much amount that fulfilling the canopy of trees, when blooming in the same time.
In our everyday life, we can see sakura in a diverse picture of consumer goods, from clothing, crafts, stationery, until the kitchen tools. Forthe Japanese, Sakura is an important symbol, which is oftenassociated with women, life, death, and also a symbol to expressthe bond between humans, courage, sadness, and joy.
Almost all Japanese people don't miss the opportunity for picnic in the shade of sakura in once a year . Japanese people call these activities as a hana-mi (flower viewing). Even though the cherry blossoms have started blooming in late March, usually the festival is held just in the second week of April. Which means there's spilling people into places that many cherry blossoms grow.
Do you know, that the cerries blossom not only beauty but from it's flower and leaves also can  be used as food, perfume, or other. The leaves and flowers that have been soaked in salt water can be used for food because the smell is fragrant. We also able to use the leaves as a cake wrapper. The cake that wrapped with cherry blossom leaves was called mochi.There are also ice cream and pastry with cherry blossoms flavors . Not only that there's also a tea of cherry blossoms, which are generally taken on special occasions such as wedding.The twigs and buds of cherry blossoms are also used as a natural dye Subhanallah besides it's beautiful to be seen cherry blossom also have many benefits.

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