YUKA Natural Soap | Pesona Keharuman Alami

Yuka Natural Soap adalah sabun yang diramu dari bahan alami, 100% NON Alkohol dan NON Deterjen. Terinspirasi dari kekayaan alam, Yuka disajikan dalam harmoni keunggulan aroma dan kualitas.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Beauty and Benefits of Cherry Blossoms

 We often hear the word sakura. The name of flower that come from Japan. And in english that flower called as cherry blossom. Isn't it...??  Or maybe among of you often see that flower through photo or video. Or even there's among of you ever saw it directly. hhmm it's certaintly very pleasant.Besides chrysanthemums flowers (bunga seruni in indonesian), sakura is the national flower for Japanese citizens. These cherry...

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