YUKA Natural Soap | Pesona Keharuman Alami

Yuka Natural Soap adalah sabun yang diramu dari bahan alami, 100% NON Alkohol dan NON Deterjen. Terinspirasi dari kekayaan alam, Yuka disajikan dalam harmoni keunggulan aroma dan kualitas.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Remove Stubborn Blackheads Easily

Most of us must have experienced such thing as blackheads. That's impurities that plug the pores appears as a result of accumulation of excess oil (sebum) and dead skin cells. Blackheads often happen to us who have oily skin type. Blackheads are generally in the form of small black or white spots. For you who is now having...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Right Comb for Your Hair Type

 Friends glad to see you again. And in this time i would like to talk about the comb. Are there among of you who don't know comb..?? hhmm i'm sure no one don't know it, because all of us always using it everyday to tidy up our hair. And if we look there are many kind and type of combs. And do you know friends, that wide variaties of comb is not just to sweeten the look of comb. Because the fact the differences form distinguish the functions, benefits...

Monday, September 19, 2011

Beautiful and Healthy with Vegetable Fruit Juices

We all know that juice is a good drink for health and beauty. But generally we know that the ingrediants used to make juice is from fruits. Not many know that vegetables also can be very fresh juices and sure it good for aur health. Moreover if the fruit and vegetable be combinated into one menu of juices it must have biggest bennefit for our health. Then what combination of fruit and vegetable which is has benefit...

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