Friends glad to see you again. And in this time i would like to talk about the comb. Are there among of you who don't know comb..?? hhmm i'm sure no one don't know it, because all of us always using it everyday to tidy up our hair. And if we look there are many kind and type of combs. And do you know friends, that wide variaties of comb is not just to sweeten the look of comb. Because the fact the differences form distinguish the functions, benefits and results that we will get after using it. Moreover for you who have problem of hair fall, if you use the wrong type of comb so it will make the hair loss is getting worse. So what kind of comb which is suitable with your hair...???
To be able to choose the right type of comb, we have to know first category of our hair straight or curly, short or long and the effect you wanna get from the comb.Here it is the kinds of comb that you can use according to your needs.
1.Tooth Comb

With it's flats, straight, and serrate form, make this comb more often be used and very practisce to carried out everywhere we go. Even man also often carrie this kind of comb in their pocket.Based on the density of the serrations, this comb can be divided into tightly-toothed and wide-toothed comb. Its use can be adjusted to the thickness of hair, hair type, short and long hair. More tight the tooth of comb it mean the possibility of hair fall is greater especially if the hair is rumple but the result the hair will be neater. So that both type of comb can be use to:
* Wide- thooth- comb
Used to comb the wet hair, because the hair that still wet is easier to get fall. This type of comb is also can be used on curly hair.
* Tight- thooth- comb
Should be used for straight and short hair. And the effect using this type of comb can make hair more fluffy.
2. Tail Comb
It's function is to "menyasak" hair. Therefore this comb often called as 'sisir sasak". Having tight tooth in a half part, while the remaining half haven't serrate like a tail comb. The tail is also have funtion to separate and to shape parts of hair to molded braid hair,curly, or any other hairstyle. The wide distance between the theeth make it easier to "menyasak" before bun the hair.
3.The Pick
Because of this shape that resemble with the fork we usually use to eat so this comb also known as fork comb. This Comb type is suitable for you who have curly hair because it can separate the curls or curly hair that is difficult be separated. Beside that, this comb also can reinforce the hair wave.
4.Paddle Hair Brush
This hair brush is also called a paddle comb. This comb has wide and flat rubber pads in this basic. Suitable for straight hair because it will make the hair look more straight and neat.
5.Round Hair Brush
This round comb or round brush can make the hair becomes fuller, curly, or wavy. In size, there is a brush with a small and larger circles diameter. If the diameter is small and has a long jagged so the curly be resulted will be more tiny. For you who have short hair and want to form a curling effect can use the brush with a small diameter so that your hair is neatly. With a large diameter, the results of its use is to make the hair wavy. And for you who have a long hair and wanna shape curly at the bottom of your hair very suit to use this type of comb.
6.Vent Hair Brush
Has a hole in the middle of the comb. This hole serves as an air circulation and speed up the process ofdrying hair. This brush is commonly used when drying the hair with a hair dryer. Generally the shape is round so that this brush has additional functions to increase the volume of hair.
Well friends, after knowing the type and function of the comb and brush, i hope now you can choose the comb according to your needs to make your hair arranged well. ^_____^
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