YUKA Natural Soap | Pesona Keharuman Alami

Yuka Natural Soap adalah sabun yang diramu dari bahan alami, 100% NON Alkohol dan NON Deterjen. Terinspirasi dari kekayaan alam, Yuka disajikan dalam harmoni keunggulan aroma dan kualitas.

YUKA Natural Soap | Katalog Produk

Dengan Yuka natural Soap, kini Anda bisa nikmati sensasi Home Spa setiap hari dengan kualitas istimewa. All Varian: Baca Selengkapnya

Best Choice, Best Price, Best Seller, Best Quality

Inspirasi Cantik Alami | Best Seller Product. Menyajikan produk pilihan alami kesehatan dan kecantikan dengan harga menarik dan kualitas terbaik, pilihan utama Anda.

Masker Herbal Spirulina | Nutrisi Alami bagi Kulit

Spirulina adalah sejenis gangang hijau biru yang merupakan sumber nutrisi yang kaya asam amino essensial, vitamin, mineral, karotenoid yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh.

Tiens Aura Energy Stone | Inspirasi Cantik Alami

Apa sih sebenarnya Kalung Aura Energy itu? Aura Energy Stone adalah kalung yang mampu menghasilkan sinar infra merah, ion negatif, terbukti mampu meningkatkan sistem imunitas tubuh.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


For a woman to have a fresh skin must be a dream that always wanna be accomplishment. But the fact,  all of us often have dry skin problems. Maybe this time there some of you who are experiencing ...? As i suffer now..:D

Dry facial skin make our face can't radiate a freshness. Because the face will look dull. Whereas, the freshness of the face will foster a sense of confidence. But don't worry, because in this post , i'll give you tips on how to handle that problems.

To be able to handle it right, first we must know the factors that cause our skin to become dry.
Facial skin becomes dry is usually caused by a lack of fluid intake, dehydration due to illness treatment that makes skin dry such as the use of antiseptic soaps, bath with water that is too cold or heat, and high ambient temperatures and low humidity may be other factors causing dry skin on the face.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

10 Foods Make Skin Clear and Glow

Every woman must have longed to have a bright glowing skin. That's why so many women who spend a lot of money to care for their skin at the salon. But there is also another way you can do to realize your dream's skin. Only by consuming foods that contain nutrients that are good for your skin. What are that ...? Here they are ...


Did you know that not all fats are bad for the body. Like the fat in avocados for example, because these fats can actually help our bodies neutralize the bad fats. Combined with vitamin E, avocado is very powerful to reduce the dryness of the skin and hair.

2. Berry Fruit 
Strawberry, blueberry, rasberry, blackberry and other berry-berry contains collagen that makes skin supple, smooth, and firm.

3. Green Tea 
If you have a habit of drinking tea every morning, it's better if you replace that habit with the green. If all this time we know that green tea can help to release the fat, but it turns out green tea is also good for our skin. Because green tea contains catechins, antioxidants that help fight viruses and slow the aging process.

How to overcome dry lips and chapped

Many of us often have the problem of dry and cracked lips. Especially for us who livein the cold valve area, or for us who frequently spend time in air-conditioned room. At the office or car is, or maybe even in the room of the house we always use the AC. hhmm .. that's why so no wonder that we often had dry lips and chapped. But don’t worry, in the this my first post , I’ll give you tips to help you in handling all your problems. Just check it out ...

1. Don't Lick Your Lips
Many of us who like to have a habit of licking the lips when feel dry lips. In fact without we know that habit will make your lips become dry because saliva evaporates quickly from the lip. Avoid licking lips feel dry even . And to overcome this habit, then you should avoid the use of fruit-flavored lipbalm. then you can choose a moisturizing lip that bitter, so that  you are not tempted to lick it.

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