Sunday, August 28, 2011


For a woman to have a fresh skin must be a dream that always wanna be accomplishment. But the fact,  all of us often have dry skin problems. Maybe this time there some of you who are experiencing ...? As i suffer now..:D

Dry facial skin make our face can't radiate a freshness. Because the face will look dull. Whereas, the freshness of the face will foster a sense of confidence. But don't worry, because in this post , i'll give you tips on how to handle that problems.

To be able to handle it right, first we must know the factors that cause our skin to become dry.
Facial skin becomes dry is usually caused by a lack of fluid intake, dehydration due to illness treatment that makes skin dry such as the use of antiseptic soaps, bath with water that is too cold or heat, and high ambient temperatures and low humidity may be other factors causing dry skin on the face.

Therefore, to keep skin soft, moist, and fresh we need to consider various factors that cause dry skin. Like for example, pay attention to fluid intake into our bodies every day. Drink about 8 to 10 glasses each day gives adequate intake for the freshness of the skin.

Shower with water that is too hot or too cold also not to give good impact on skin health. You are also advised to use an appropriate soap skin so the skin becomes moist. In addition, in order to avoid dry skin don't expose to direct sunlight, and avoid air-conditioned room that is too cold.

In addition, to provide moisture to dry skin, it is recommended that you use a moisturizing cream. Moisturizing creams usually work draws water from the surrounding skin and prevent too much evaporation. But you need to consider the best time to use a moisturizer in order to get maximum results. Use a moisturizer immediately after you shower because skin is still damp after a shower. So that moisture can seep into skin and functioning optimally.

The next thing you should notice is in the selection of moisturizer. Now there are
various types of moisturizers in the market . Materials used were very varied as lactic acid, glycolic acid, urea, etc.. in high concentrations. Then choose a moisturizer that match with type of your skin .

If you have tried one of moisturizers, but there has been no sign of improvement in the skin, stop and don't continue to use that moisturizer. Indeed, the use of moisturizers seem like tryer and error. However, there must a brands of moisturizer you'll eventually find  that suit with your skin type. But if it turns out a variety of moisturizers that you are trying still can not handle your dry skin, then you should consult to a specialist or dermatologist. Good luck ^___^

Be beautiful naturally....


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